First of all, to be able to make a good amount of gold, you should be
level 50 so you can do ALL the dungeons and not just some. It's quite
easy to get to level 50 in game, it can take anywhere from a few days to
one day depending on the exp boosts you have and how much you're
online. Also the prices can go higher or lower so I won't list prices,
people desperate for items are normally willing to pay higher than what
they're worth.
Methods to Sell:
1. Auction House - This is one of the methods I prefer if the item isn't rare because you can set a price, and the item is in the auction house and no longer in your inventory so it clears space for more items, note it costs 10% profit to put it in the auction house for 24 hours. Also, if it does not get sold, it gets sent to your PM as an attachment when the 24 hours is up from when you originally put it in. You can only have so many items in the auction house at one time, will update the number when the server gets back up.
2. Stalls - You can set up a stall in Navea in the trade district and set prices for your items and there's no limit to how long you can be there, but that restricts you from doing other things. Also it can get very crowded as Navea only has one server.
3. Trade Chat Selling - This is where you would hold the item(s) in your inventory and shout on trade chat what you're selling and link the items, people mostly use this to take bids for rarer items.
Option 1: Aeria Points
This would be the most obvious option since it requires the least amount of effort and you can do it at any level. All you have to do is buy AP, and make sure its on your account then you can pick out items(not mystery boxes) from the item mall that are tradeable and just talk on trade chat and sell them or put them in the auction house for a certain price, or set a stall. Auction house is one of the more effective methods besides shouting on trade chat. Do NOT agree to sell non-tradeable items to people you do not trust as it may be a scam.
The average AP to gold ratio is 100 AP - 22 Gold. But this also requires real money.
Option 2: Dungeon Grinding
This is also the method most people prefer since you get exp by doing this as well. All you do is spam dungeons and you get silver for killing monsters, the more dungeons you do the more silver you get, and the higher level dungeon the more gold you get.
Recommended level is 50 to be able to do all the dungeons. NOTE: Skandia(Lv 50 party instance) Does NOT give silver or gold, but may give rare drops.
Option 3: Rare Equipment Selling
Dungeons This is the most profitable way to make gold besides spending AP. Recommended level is 55 to be able to do all the dungeons. You sell rare equips for 30g+ more or less depending on the item and the % the item is.
Good runs to get rare equips from are: Miner's Steppe Hard, Deep's Cavern Hard, Other World Skandia, Cameo Cavern Hard and Temple of Eidolins(Solo run).
Skandia, Deeps Cave Hard, & Cameo Cavern Hard drops unidentified cloaks, rings and necklaces. The daily eidolin guild spawns also do this(guild has to be lv 4).
The sets that drop from those dungeons(not temple of eidolins) are worth some money if they're from the other world dungeons. Also the treasure charms you can get with AP/Loyalty points in the item mall/loyalty shop give the bosses that drop the unidentified items give more items. There are 3 levels of treasure charms, basic, intermediate, and advanced, they raise the drops by 1, 2 & 3 items.
In Skandia & Helonia the Eidolin spawns drop the items, killing the excited bunnyhops have around a 15% chance to spawn an eidolin, you can also get one or more key fragments for that eidolin, collect 10 to get a new eidolin. It IS possible to get more than one eidolin to spawn per Skandia run.
Skandia & Helonia resets every 180 minutes(3 hours).
Deep's Cave Hard, Olymend Temple Hard, Ghostsweep Cave Hard, Wrathborne Temple Hard, the otherworld dungeons(Alabastren, Gydaie Gale & Miner's Steppe) and Cameo Cavern Hard reset every 120 minutes(2 hours). The silver chests at the end of the runs after you kill the final boss are what drop the items, you can also get non-trade purple gear(pvp).
Aria and Requiem set recipes sell for a some-what decent amount as well, you get those from level 50+ Hard runs from the silver chest/boss drops. Wrathborne Temple Hard can also drop Custom Forest Ambassador costume pieces from the silver chest which are also good money.
Dailies Another way to make money by rare equipment selling is doing the level 50-55 dailies in Oblitus Woods & Star Sand Desert, each daily you do(Mirabellie's bulliton board quests and gathering/kill quests, not the ones where you run dungeons and kill bosses)
give you a treasure chest as a reward, you have a chance to get a level 50 yellow weapon, the best kind of tradeable weapon, it can be anywhere from 100-140% the higher percent for it, the more people will pay for it. Anything under 120% normally doesn't sell well or fast so I recommended salvaging them for refinement fragments.
You can only do 5 Mirabellie quests a day. Recommended level is 45 as you can do these when you're under the level the quest says. But only 5 levels under max.
Option 4: Material Selling
The last way to make money is to grind dungeons, recommended level is 60 to be able to do all dungeons. People buy materials for alchemy. Level 40 materials can be found in the two level 40 instances(MS & GG). Level 50 materials can be found in the lv 45-50 dungeons(CC & DC, OT, WT & GC). Level 60 Materials can be found in the other world dungeons.
Loot charms and loot drop gear with % help with getting more materials because they drop from killing mobs in the runs. Also bosses do drop materials(Otherworld Dungeons) that go for about 5-10g a piece. If you're farming bosses use a treasure charm.
Bosses that drop useful materials are: Bosses in the otherworld and the instances in Star Sand Desert and Oblitus Woods.(lv 55-60 instances). The bosses also have a chance to drop rare recipes the level 60 ones go for a good amount each depending on what part. The silver chests in the otherworld dungeons have a chance to drop custom costumes.
Also if you have really good luck, you can do Skandia, Helonia, Guild Hall Eidolins, and the level 50 chest in the Temple of Eidolins for a chance to get custom frost wizard costume pieces(hat&armor) that go for quite a bit depending on the stats that are on it. Otherworld GG, AT & MS runs are good money because they drop level 60 crafted recipes from the bosses & a very small chance to drop a level 65 yellow weapon. The higher the % on the weapon the more it's worth, percents can go to 140. The bosses also have a chance to drop advanced ultimates(tactical, offensive, defensive) A chest spawns at the end of party and Hard runs which have a chance to drop custom costumes.
Option 5: Infernal Abyss Drop Selling
The dungeon itself having a level 55 requirement and you can only access the crystal to get into the dungeon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. This dungeon resets every 8 hours, it's recommended to have a good amount of hp and or defense, not evasion. You can farm the weapon drops, gear drops and purple gold ore(materials for making lv 60 weapons) to sell for decent amounts. The weapon materials and weapons only drop form the boss, Zaahir, also an eidolin you can get. He appears every 5 floors of the dungeon, there are 50 floors total, and you only have 20 minutes to complete the dungeon, all of the mobs and the boss itself are fire element, so its recommended to have fire gear to minimize the damage taken, also fire skills hit less, since they're fire. With the current level people are, it is currently is possible to finish the dungeon, Zaahir's level increases by five every time you challenge him.
Option 6: Sky Tower
This is the hardest option as the requirements are level 60+ and its a 40 person raid.
You can NOT summon eidolins in sky tower, its recommended to bring party buffs and defense food buffs even if you hit the defense cap because the bosses level raises a few every floor. Sky Tower is only open on Saturdays and Sundays at certain times which are: 10 am EST, 3 pm EST & 8 pm EST. There are 10 floors total, your goal is to finish as many floors in 2 hours as you can. You do NOT get experience from this, this is simply a loot dungeon. It's recommended to go with a pre-planned or pre-organized raidgroup to make things easier and also recommended to keep ranged dps and tank & melee dps parties separated to make it easier on the bards. You get 15 lives, if you die 15 times, you get kicked out and cannot re-enter till the next day its open. The bosses don't drop any loot, but a chest spawns after you clear the floor that has a chance to drop lv 60 crafted weapon recipes that aren't available anywhere else, and a very small chance to drop level 65 yellow weapons which are different from the other world ones, which also go up to 140%.
1. Auction House - This is one of the methods I prefer if the item isn't rare because you can set a price, and the item is in the auction house and no longer in your inventory so it clears space for more items, note it costs 10% profit to put it in the auction house for 24 hours. Also, if it does not get sold, it gets sent to your PM as an attachment when the 24 hours is up from when you originally put it in. You can only have so many items in the auction house at one time, will update the number when the server gets back up.
2. Stalls - You can set up a stall in Navea in the trade district and set prices for your items and there's no limit to how long you can be there, but that restricts you from doing other things. Also it can get very crowded as Navea only has one server.
3. Trade Chat Selling - This is where you would hold the item(s) in your inventory and shout on trade chat what you're selling and link the items, people mostly use this to take bids for rarer items.
Option 1: Aeria Points
This would be the most obvious option since it requires the least amount of effort and you can do it at any level. All you have to do is buy AP, and make sure its on your account then you can pick out items(not mystery boxes) from the item mall that are tradeable and just talk on trade chat and sell them or put them in the auction house for a certain price, or set a stall. Auction house is one of the more effective methods besides shouting on trade chat. Do NOT agree to sell non-tradeable items to people you do not trust as it may be a scam.
The average AP to gold ratio is 100 AP - 22 Gold. But this also requires real money.
Option 2: Dungeon Grinding
This is also the method most people prefer since you get exp by doing this as well. All you do is spam dungeons and you get silver for killing monsters, the more dungeons you do the more silver you get, and the higher level dungeon the more gold you get.
Recommended level is 50 to be able to do all the dungeons. NOTE: Skandia(Lv 50 party instance) Does NOT give silver or gold, but may give rare drops.
Option 3: Rare Equipment Selling
Dungeons This is the most profitable way to make gold besides spending AP. Recommended level is 55 to be able to do all the dungeons. You sell rare equips for 30g+ more or less depending on the item and the % the item is.
Good runs to get rare equips from are: Miner's Steppe Hard, Deep's Cavern Hard, Other World Skandia, Cameo Cavern Hard and Temple of Eidolins(Solo run).
Skandia, Deeps Cave Hard, & Cameo Cavern Hard drops unidentified cloaks, rings and necklaces. The daily eidolin guild spawns also do this(guild has to be lv 4).
The sets that drop from those dungeons(not temple of eidolins) are worth some money if they're from the other world dungeons. Also the treasure charms you can get with AP/Loyalty points in the item mall/loyalty shop give the bosses that drop the unidentified items give more items. There are 3 levels of treasure charms, basic, intermediate, and advanced, they raise the drops by 1, 2 & 3 items.
In Skandia & Helonia the Eidolin spawns drop the items, killing the excited bunnyhops have around a 15% chance to spawn an eidolin, you can also get one or more key fragments for that eidolin, collect 10 to get a new eidolin. It IS possible to get more than one eidolin to spawn per Skandia run.
Skandia & Helonia resets every 180 minutes(3 hours).
Deep's Cave Hard, Olymend Temple Hard, Ghostsweep Cave Hard, Wrathborne Temple Hard, the otherworld dungeons(Alabastren, Gydaie Gale & Miner's Steppe) and Cameo Cavern Hard reset every 120 minutes(2 hours). The silver chests at the end of the runs after you kill the final boss are what drop the items, you can also get non-trade purple gear(pvp).
Aria and Requiem set recipes sell for a some-what decent amount as well, you get those from level 50+ Hard runs from the silver chest/boss drops. Wrathborne Temple Hard can also drop Custom Forest Ambassador costume pieces from the silver chest which are also good money.
Dailies Another way to make money by rare equipment selling is doing the level 50-55 dailies in Oblitus Woods & Star Sand Desert, each daily you do(Mirabellie's bulliton board quests and gathering/kill quests, not the ones where you run dungeons and kill bosses)
give you a treasure chest as a reward, you have a chance to get a level 50 yellow weapon, the best kind of tradeable weapon, it can be anywhere from 100-140% the higher percent for it, the more people will pay for it. Anything under 120% normally doesn't sell well or fast so I recommended salvaging them for refinement fragments.
You can only do 5 Mirabellie quests a day. Recommended level is 45 as you can do these when you're under the level the quest says. But only 5 levels under max.
Option 4: Material Selling
The last way to make money is to grind dungeons, recommended level is 60 to be able to do all dungeons. People buy materials for alchemy. Level 40 materials can be found in the two level 40 instances(MS & GG). Level 50 materials can be found in the lv 45-50 dungeons(CC & DC, OT, WT & GC). Level 60 Materials can be found in the other world dungeons.
Loot charms and loot drop gear with % help with getting more materials because they drop from killing mobs in the runs. Also bosses do drop materials(Otherworld Dungeons) that go for about 5-10g a piece. If you're farming bosses use a treasure charm.
Bosses that drop useful materials are: Bosses in the otherworld and the instances in Star Sand Desert and Oblitus Woods.(lv 55-60 instances). The bosses also have a chance to drop rare recipes the level 60 ones go for a good amount each depending on what part. The silver chests in the otherworld dungeons have a chance to drop custom costumes.
Also if you have really good luck, you can do Skandia, Helonia, Guild Hall Eidolins, and the level 50 chest in the Temple of Eidolins for a chance to get custom frost wizard costume pieces(hat&armor) that go for quite a bit depending on the stats that are on it. Otherworld GG, AT & MS runs are good money because they drop level 60 crafted recipes from the bosses & a very small chance to drop a level 65 yellow weapon. The higher the % on the weapon the more it's worth, percents can go to 140. The bosses also have a chance to drop advanced ultimates(tactical, offensive, defensive) A chest spawns at the end of party and Hard runs which have a chance to drop custom costumes.
Option 5: Infernal Abyss Drop Selling
The dungeon itself having a level 55 requirement and you can only access the crystal to get into the dungeon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. This dungeon resets every 8 hours, it's recommended to have a good amount of hp and or defense, not evasion. You can farm the weapon drops, gear drops and purple gold ore(materials for making lv 60 weapons) to sell for decent amounts. The weapon materials and weapons only drop form the boss, Zaahir, also an eidolin you can get. He appears every 5 floors of the dungeon, there are 50 floors total, and you only have 20 minutes to complete the dungeon, all of the mobs and the boss itself are fire element, so its recommended to have fire gear to minimize the damage taken, also fire skills hit less, since they're fire. With the current level people are, it is currently is possible to finish the dungeon, Zaahir's level increases by five every time you challenge him.
Option 6: Sky Tower
This is the hardest option as the requirements are level 60+ and its a 40 person raid.
You can NOT summon eidolins in sky tower, its recommended to bring party buffs and defense food buffs even if you hit the defense cap because the bosses level raises a few every floor. Sky Tower is only open on Saturdays and Sundays at certain times which are: 10 am EST, 3 pm EST & 8 pm EST. There are 10 floors total, your goal is to finish as many floors in 2 hours as you can. You do NOT get experience from this, this is simply a loot dungeon. It's recommended to go with a pre-planned or pre-organized raidgroup to make things easier and also recommended to keep ranged dps and tank & melee dps parties separated to make it easier on the bards. You get 15 lives, if you die 15 times, you get kicked out and cannot re-enter till the next day its open. The bosses don't drop any loot, but a chest spawns after you clear the floor that has a chance to drop lv 60 crafted weapon recipes that aren't available anywhere else, and a very small chance to drop level 65 yellow weapons which are different from the other world ones, which also go up to 140%.
Hia, please do not copy/use other people's hard-worked info until you have permision from them, thank you.
BalasHapusthe original link
if you cant understand what im saying, use a translator =P